Are There Bed Bugs in Canada?

Are There Bed Bugs in Canada?

Given that bed bugs love warm areas, many doubt that there are bed bugs in Canada. Well, here’s the truth: bed bugs reside in various provinces of Canada. Many are falling victim to these pesky critters. Just because it is cold in Canada doesn’t mean that bed bugs will die throughout the winter. But the truth is, the cold weather during winter is not enough to stop these insects from infesting.

This is also the main reason why there are various popular bed bug prevention products in Canada that you can find online or in stores. Since these pests can hitchhike on any person that may come in contact with their hiding areas, purchasing bed bug prevention products will protect your home from these insects.

How Common Are Bed Bugs In Canada?

When talking about bed bugs, you may hear stories about infestations in Canada. In fact, Toronto, also known as the “Six”, is at the top of the list of the most infested cities in the country. Along with Toronto, other big cities that made it to the top 10 that are dealing with bed bug problems are Montreal, Hamilton, Vancouver, Winnipeg, Ottawa, St. John’s, and Edmonton – just to name a few. With that said, anyone can assume that visiting a friend can be a reason for you to contract bed bugs and bring them home with you.

Aside from houses, bed bugs are also prevalent in various means of public transportation and a number of commercial establishments. This is another reason behind the high demand for bed bug products in Canada – to prevent, detect, and monitor their homes for a possible infestation.

If you still think that the winter season is enough for bed bugs to die in Canada, you might want to get the facts straight and learn about the cities dealing with major bed bug issues.

Worst City in Canada for Bed Bugs: What to Do If You Stay in a City with Bed Bugs

If you happen to stay in a city with a high incidence of bed bugs, it is important to take precautions to avoid bringing bed bugs back to your home. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Inspect the room:

    Before settling in, inspect the bed and surrounding areas for bed bugs or signs of infestation such as blood spots or shed skin.

  2. Keep your luggage off the floor:

    Use a luggage rack to keep your belongings off the floor and away from the bed.

  3. Store your clothes in sealed plastic bags:

    This will prevent bed bugs from hiding in your clothes and hitchhiking back to your home.

  4. Use bedbug-proof covers:

    Place bedbug-proof covers over the mattress and box spring to prevent bed bugs from hiding inside.

  5. Wash your clothes in hot water:

    Wash and dry all your clothes in the highest heat setting to kill any bed bugs that may have made their way into your belongings.

By taking these precautions, you can help prevent a bed bug infestation in your home. If you suspect that you have bed bugs, it is important to contact a pest control professional for treatment.



Samuel Tisseron

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