Bed bugs can be a nuisance, especially for those who don’t know how to get rid of them. To protect yourself and your family, you should know the proper ways to eliminate bedbugs which includes determining whether drying in a dryer helps. While heat can kill bedbugs, using a dryer to do so doesn’t always work. Let’s take a closer look at why that is.

What Temperature Effectively Kills Bed Bugs?
Bed bugs can survive temperatures up to 115°F. While the temperature of a hot dryer setting may reach 120°F, it’s often not enough to kill bedbugs completely. These pests have durable exoskeletons that protect them from extreme temperatures, so unless they are exposed to high heat for an extended period, they may likely still survive.
In addition to this, dryers don’t always reach consistent temperatures throughout the cycle, which further decreases the chances of completely killing bedbugs in a dryer.
Do Bed Bugs Die in the Dryer Immediately?
Using a dryer can help to kill bedbugs, but it is not always effective. Temperatures must reach 115°F or higher for the heat to be effective at eliminating these pests, and dryers may not consistently reach that temperature during the cycle.
Additionally, bedbugs have durable exoskeletons that protect them from extreme temperatures, so unless they are exposed to high heat for an extended time, they may likely still survive. Although using the dryer can help kill bedbugs, additional methods such as heating furniture and carpets should also be used to eliminate these pests from the home.
Can Bed Bugs Survive the Heat in the Dryer?
Though bed bugs may not survive temperatures above 113°F, it is still possible for them to survive the heat in a dryer depending on the temperature. Even with regular laundry cycles, their tough exoskeletons make it difficult to eliminate these pests from your home.
To make sure that they are gone for good, crank up the heat and keep it at 115°F or higher for an extended period. Furniture and carpets should also be heated for a higher chance of eradicating these pesky bugs.
How Hot Can a Dryer Get? Can It Reach Its Highest Temperature Setting for Long Periods?
Most dryers have a maximum temperature of 140-150°F, but many models have an adjustable thermostat that can be set to a desired temperature. Dryers are designed with time-based cycles which limit the dryer to its highest temperature setting for only a few minutes or until the clothes reach the desired level of dryness.
To ensure effective heat levels to kill bedbugs, it is important to select a unit with high-temperature settings and incorporate additional heating methods such as furniture and carpet heating.
What If the Clothes Can’t Keep Up with the Dryer’s Heat?
If you’re finding that your clothes are not able to keep up with the dryer’s heat, there are a few ways you can help improve the situation.
If the clothes are not reaching the desired level of dryness before the cycle ends, you may need to adjust the heat settings on your dryer. Depending on the fabric type and load size, you can lower the heat setting by 5-10°F or use a shorter cycle time.
It is also important to avoid overloading your dryer as this can cause clothes to be damp and take longer to dry completely.
Can You Increase the Duration of Each Piece of Clothing In The Dryer?
If your home is prone to bed bugs, be sure to use a longer cycle time and a lower heat setting on your dryer. Additionally, it may be helpful to implement additional heating methods such as furniture and carpet heating for extended periods after the drying cycle has ended. This will provide extra assurance that all bedbugs are eliminated from your home.

How Long Do Bedbugs Need to Be Exposed to High Heat to Be Killed?
For bedbugs to be killed by extreme heat, they must be exposed to temperatures of 113°F or higher for several minutes. Temperatures that high can kill both the adults and their eggs, so it’s important to ensure the heat is properly distributed and maintained to eliminate these pests.
In addition, areas such as furniture and carpets should also be heated to above 113°F as this can help kill any other bedbugs that have not been exposed directly to extreme heat.
Can Bed Bugs Die inside the Washer?
A washing machine’s hot and wet environment is ideal for bed bug elimination if the cycle temperature is higher than 120°F (48°C). Be sure to add detergent to your laundry load to help create a more hostile environment for the bugs. Additionally, if you have a dryer available after the wash cycle, toss items in the dryer on high heat for an extended period to further ensure the complete elimination of the bedbugs.
Ways of Using the Washing Machine to Get Rid of Bed Bugs
Using a washing machine is an effective way to kill bed bugs and other insects. Follow the steps below:
Set your washing machine to a temperature of at least 120°F (48°C).
Add detergent to your laundry load for additional killing power.
Place washed items in the dryer and use high heat for an extended time.
For extra assurance, you can try using insecticide or steam cleaning as well. This way, you can guarantee that your clothes are bed bug-free.
Can Laundry Soap Kill Bed Bugs?
Laundry soap alone may not be effective for killing bed bugs, but increased heat and drying time combined with laundry detergent can help increase the chances of eliminating the infestation.
Washing items in hot water helps kill eggs and adult bed bugs while adding laundry detergent will further reduce the chance of pests surviving through the cycle. Clothing should also be dried on a high heat setting to ensure any remaining eggs are killed.
To be sure that all levels of infestation are eliminated, you should consider consulting a professional exterminator to get proper treatment inside your home as well.
Tips to Control a Bed Bug Infestation Using the Dryer?
There are some tips that you should do as you utilize the dryer in killing bed bugs and stopping a bed bug infestation from getting worst.
Setting the Required Temperature Settings
To effectively kill bed bugs and other insects, set your dryer to the highest temperature possible.
Setting the Dryer
Make sure to clear any lint from the lint trap before use for maximum heat efficiency. Change the filter after each cycle to ensure optimal heating performance.
Storing the Clothes after
Store your clothes in airtight containers or plastic bags between laundering to prevent re-infestation.
An important reminder when washing and drying infested clothes is placing damp items in a dryer immediately after washing. Heat and drying time are key factors in killing bed bug eggs and other insects.
Additional Tips to Control Bed Bugs When Using the Dryer
Regularly wash bedding, curtains, towels, and clothing in hot water to kill bed bugs and their eggs.
Use a vacuum cleaner on mattresses, furniture, and carpeting to pick up any loose bed bugs or eggs.
Place vacuumed items in plastic bags before disposal to prevent re-infestation.
Wear gloves when handling items that may have been exposed to bed bug infestation.
With all these tips, you can make sure that all the bed bugs that hitchhiked on your clothes or are hiding in them after an infestation will all die.

Possible Reasons Why Bed Bugs Are on Your Clothing
Why would bed bugs get stuck or stay in your clothing? If you are shocked why these critters are in your clothes, then the following can be one of the reasons:
Accidental transmission – Bed bugs can crawl onto your clothing from an infested area, such as a hotel room or nearby apartment.
Poor storage practices – If you store clothes in an area that is already infested with bed bugs, they may inadvertently become trapped in the fabric and eventually find their way onto your body.
Unsanitary living conditions – Clutter and uncleanliness are attractive to bed bugs, making them more likely to infest areas with poor living conditions.
Traveling – When traveling to other countries or regions that are known to have bed bug problems, it is not uncommon for them to attach themselves to clothing and hitchhike their way back home.
Ways to Prevent Them from Staying on your Clothes
It is sadly true that bed bugs can easily find their way onto your clothing, but there are steps you can take to keep them at bay. Here are some tips for ensuring bed bugs stay away from your clothes:
Launder all clothing regularly, giving special attention to items that haven’t been worn in a while.
Store clothes securely in sealed containers or bags, preferably in an area that is not prone to infestations of any kind.
Vacuum your home regularly and be sure to check closets and drawers for clustering bed bugs.
When traveling, inspect your luggage upon returning home and wash all of your clothes right away to prevent the spread of potential infestations.
By following these tips carefully and consistently, you can minimize the risk of getting bed bugs on your clothing or suffering through re-infestations again.