How to Avoid Bed Bugs When Moving: Your Complete Guide

No one likes dealing with bed bugs. They’re icky, they bite, and they’re hard to get rid of. The last thing you want is to bring them into your new home when you move. Luckily, there are some simple steps you can take to avoid bringing bed bugs along for the ride. Follow our guide and you’ll be able to sleep soundly in your new place – bug-free!


Do Bed Bugs Follow You When You Move?

The age-old question “Do bed bugs follow you when you move?” is one that has been asked for years. The answer may surprise you – the answer is yes! Bed bugs are incredibly hardy pests and have been known to hide in even the smallest of belongings and hitch a ride from one location to another.

This means that if your home or apartment was recently infested with bed bugs, it is important to take measures to mitigate the risk of bringing them along with you. Make sure to check all of your clothes and bedding, vacuum your things before you pack them, and talk to a professional pest control service to make sure you don’t bring a pest with you when you move.

When packing up your belongings for a move, be sure to inspect each item for bed bugs

Moving can be stressful, but one of the worst things that could happen is unwittingly transporting bed bugs to your new home. Bed bug infestations are not only a nuisance but can be extremely difficult and expensive to get rid of.

How to Make Sure Bed Bugs Don’t Move With You

To avoid having to deal with this frustrating and potentially costly problem, it’s important to take the time to inspect all your belongings for signs of bed bugs before packing them up for the move. Bed bugs can often be identified by the tiny rust-colored spots on furniture, mattresses, and other surfaces—these spots result from bed bug excrement.

If you have any suspicious items, it’s best to dispose of them as soon as possible so you don’t risk spreading the infestation to your new place.

How to Make Sure Bed bugs Don’t Move with You?

Moving is a stressful experience, so the last thing you want to deal with as you’re getting settled into your new home is bed bugs. Preventing bed bugs from coming along for the ride takes effort and forethought.

Before packing, it’s important to thoroughly inspect and clean everything in your old space, including mattresses and furniture. To reduce the chances of spreading pesky bugs, be sure to vacuum everything before deciding what to keep or transport.

When transporting items, wrap them securely in plastic bags or containers that can be sealed shut; this reduces the possibility of any critters escaping during the process of moving.

Additionally, invest in residual insecticide spray that can wear away as bedbugs travel across its surface; this will create an additional barrier between your old home and your new one even if they do manage to hitch a ride.

With these proactive steps, you can rest assured that any unwanted stowaways won’t find their way into your new abode!


How to Prevent Bed Bugs from Moving Truck

When you’re moving in a truck, the last thing you want to worry about is bed bugs! Unfortunately, they can be hard to spot and even harder to get rid of. Luckily, there are some simple steps you can take to protect yourself and your belongings from these pesky pests.

Start by vacuuming out the truck before loading your stuff; this will help reduce the likelihood of bringing any bed bugs with you.

Next, spread diatomaceous earth on the floors of the truck with an old broom or dustpan. This will kill any existing bed bugs and stop them from spreading.

Lastly, keep all items being moved in sealed plastic bags or boxes. This will prevent any potential stowaways from making their way inside your new home.

Keep the above steps in mind when packing for your next move and rest assured that bed bugs won’t make themselves at home inside your moving truck!

How to Kill Bed Bugs in Moving Boxes

Moving to a new home is exciting, but the thought of bedbugs coming along for the ride is enough to make anyone’s skin crawl. Killing bed bugs in moving boxes can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With just a few steps and minimal effort, packing and unpacking with peace of mind will be easy.

Begin by inspecting all furniture, appliances, and clothing prior to packing them away. Then inspect your moving boxes closely and look for signs of bedbugs such as dark spots or eggshells that indicate present pests.

If found, double bag all items before placing them into storage or filler materials like bubble wrap so they won’t spread through your possessions. Finally, once arrived at your new home and if unsure about the insect situation there, it’s always best practice to unpack items outdoors rather than bringing them into your home directly.

With these tips in mind, you can rest assured that no unwelcome hitchhikers will accompany you on your move!


How to Not Bring Bed Bugs to a New Home

Moving homes can be a stressful process, but don’t let the burden be compounded by bringing bed bugs to your new residence. To minimize the risk of inadvertently transporting these pests from one home to the next, it is important to take certain preventative steps.

Thoroughly inspect all of your belongings for any sign of bed bugs – these can include tiny spots of fecal matter, eggs, or even live bed bugs themselves – and package them in thick plastic bags with zip-lock closures in order to contain any infestations.

Additionally, if possible, leave clothing and other fabric items out to dry in direct sunlight for at least an hour as this will kill any parasites that might have been resting on those materials.

By taking careful measures like these while moving into a new home, you can help ensure the safety of your family and your peace of mind.

If you think you may have found bed bugs in your new home, contact a licensed pest control professional exterminator immediately

Getting bed bugs in your new home can be one of the most dreaded occurrences, as they are notoriously difficult to get rid of. If you think you may have noticed signs of a bed bug infestation, contacting a professional exterminator is one of the best steps to take.

They will be able to accurately assess the situation, provide guidance and advice on which removal method would work best, and ensure that there are no straggler bugs left. Bed bugs can cause severe discomfort and even costly medical bills if left unchecked, so it is important to contact an expert as soon as possible and start the extermination process.

Avoid Using a Fogger or Bug Bombs

Trying to get rid of bed bugs in your home? Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that foggers or bug bombs are the answer to your problem. Not only are these approaches ineffective, but they can be dangerous to both you and your family’s health.

Fumes from foggers and bug bombs can irritate the eyes, skin, throat, and lungs. Furthermore, their untargeted nature leads to unnecessary spray that may damage sensitive items such as electronics. The safest way to ensure the cleanliness of your home is by hiring a professional who is trained in controlling bedbugs and understands how to use a variety of treatments for the best results.

Stay Away from Free Curbside Furniture

The thought of finding something nice and free among the curbside discard is tempting, but steering clear of this furniture is a must. Free items could be harboring bed bugs, one of the most notorious pests.

If not moving away from where you presently live, the shock of discovering a potential infestation after bringing home the freebie is not worth the risk. Research is key to avoiding headaches further down the road; learn what signs to look out for so that you can make an informed decision while taking advantage of all that curbside has to offer.


Think Carefully About Your Move

Moving is a huge undertaking, and certain issues should be taken into consideration before packing up your belongings and heading out to the new location. Bed bugs, in particular, can be a major problem if you do not take steps to ensure that you are not bringing the pests along with you.

Doing research ahead of time, seeking professional help, and following inspection protocols can be invaluable when it comes to avoiding a serious bed bug infestation in your new abode — so think carefully about your move!

Examine Your New House

When getting into a new house, it’s important to examine it carefully and make sure it’s free of bed bugs. These pesky critters can easily be transported on furniture, mattresses, and clothing, so it’s best to take proactive measures to ensure that your new house is not infested.

If you’ve recently moved to a different residence, do a thorough examination of all the items brought in from the old one and check for any telltale signs like unexplained bites or spotting. It’s also wise to inspect your mattress for tiny little bugs or other evidence of an infestation and vacuum the rooms regularly to keep them clean.

Finally, don’t forget that bed bug control takes effort – regular inspections and treatments can go a long way in keeping your home pest-free!

Don’t Freak Out

When it comes to bed bugs, don’t freak out! It might seem like the best solution is to run away from them, but moving isn’t always the answer. In fact, if you’re not careful, you could end up taking some of your unwanted guests with you. The key is understanding how to get rid of them correctly and safely. With the right information and preparation, there’s no need to be afraid or overwhelmed by these little critters – they can easily be handled in an effective way.

Congratulations on your upcoming move! Just remember, with a few extra steps and by being diligent, you can prevent bed bugs from coming along for the ride. Inspect each of your belongings before packing them up, and be sure to check any furniture you may acquire from free sources. If you think you may have found bed bugs in your new home, don’t hesitate to call a professional—the sooner they’re gone, the better. Best of luck in your new place!



Samuel Tisseron

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