Unlike clothes, you cannot wash your luggage in the washing machine to get rid of bed bugs. Before you throw away your old luggage and buy a new one or hire a pest control company, you should follow these tips to save money and kill bed bugs on your own.

1. Prepare for the trip.
Make some preparations before your trip. If you are getting a new bag, choose a hard-shell case. Another option is to wrap your suitcase in a garbage bag once you arrive at your hotel.
Place your clothes in resealable plastic bags before you put them in cabinets or drawers. You should also bring a flashlight because it will be handy when you are inspecting the room.
2. Inspect the room as soon as you arrive.
Put your luggage in the bathtub or wrap it in plastic bags before you inspect the room. Bed bugs cannot crawl inside the bathtub. You can also put your suitcase on a luggage rack (if there is one in your hotel room) to keep it off the floor. Make a thorough inspection of the headboard and frame and pull back linens and blankets to check for reddish-brown marks.
You may even find nymphs, live bed bugs, and eggs. Bed bugs are usually oval-shaped and brown, but they become round and reddish-brown after feeding. Nymphs or young bed bugs are yellowish-white or nearly translucent. They are smaller than adult bed bugs.
3. Inspect your luggage.
You do not want to bring bed bugs to your home. However, hitching a ride is easy for bed bugs. Even if the hotel room furniture and bedding passed the test, you should still inspect your suitcase before leaving the hotel to see if there are bugs in your luggage.
Remember, bed bugs can squeeze into the pockets and zippers of your luggage. That is why you should use a flashlight to search all compartments of your suitcase. Using a light-colored bag will make checking for bed bugs easier. If you find bed bugs, keep your bag outside to avoid bringing them inside your home.

Steps on How to Check for Bed Bugs on Luggage
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to check your luggage for bed bugs after you come back from your trip. And if you do find bed bugs after checking your luggage, you should get rid of them immediately.
· Empty your suitcase and separate your clean clothes and dirty clothes.
Put the infested contents in a sealed plastic bag. Wash your clothes in hot water and dry them at 120 degrees. Bed bugs cannot withstand high temperatures so they will die.
· Scrub away suspected bed bugs on your luggage.
Take your luggage outside then scrub it with a hard scrub brush to remove bed bugs and egg clusters. Vacuum your luggage thoroughly.
· Spray the luggage with a pesticide made for bed bugs.
Pesticides for bed bugs usually contain pyrethroid chemicals like phenothrin, pyrethrin, and pyrethrin. If you do not like the smell of pesticides, you can use a steam cleaner instead. Use the steam cleaner to clean your luggage 2 or 3 times to get rid of bed bugs.
· Vacuum your luggage again to remove the dead bed bugs.
Do not use the vacuum bag again. Wrap it in garbage bags, then seal it to prevent the bed bugs from escaping.
· Leave your luggage outside and let it dry.
Inspect it again for bed bugs. If there are lingering bed bugs, steam clean your bag once more. Repeat the process until there are no bed bugs left.
As an alternative to just leaving out your luggage outside your home, we recommend that you use Zappbug products like Zappbug Oven 2, Zappbug Heater, or Zappbug Room.
All of these products use heat to kill bed bugs in all stages of life, which is suitable for treating bugs and eggs that may have hitchhiked in your luggage.

How to Prevent Bed Bugs from Sticking in Your Luggage When Travelling
To prevent bed bugs from sticking in your luggage when traveling, you can take the following steps:
Before packing, inspect your luggage for any existing bed bugs or eggs.
Use bedbug-proof luggage liners or covers to encase your luggage.
When staying in a hotel, keep your luggage off the floor and away from the bed.
After returning from a trip, inspect your luggage and wash all clothing in hot water.
Consider using a bed bug spray or powder on your luggage before and after a trip.
Keep your luggage and clothes in sealed plastic bags until you can wash them.
When you are in the hotel, keep your luggage on the luggage rack instead of on the floor or on the bed.
If possible, when you return home, immediately put your luggage in the dryer for at least 30 minutes on high heat to kill any bed bugs or eggs.
Preventing bed bugs from sticking in your luggage when traveling requires taking a few proactive measures. By following these steps, you can greatly reduce the risk of bringing bed bugs back home with you from your travels.

Effective Treatments to Get Rid of Bed Bugs in Luggage
It is possible to get rid of bed bugs from luggage. It may take some effort and persistence, but with the right methods and treatments, you can effectively eliminate bed bugs from your luggage. Effective treatments to get rid of bed bugs in luggage include:
Heat treatment
Using a clothes dryer on high heat for at least 30 minutes can kill bed bugs and their eggs. You can also use a portable heater or a professional heat treatment service.
Vacuum your luggage thoroughly to remove bed bugs and eggs. Dispose of the vacuum bag immediately after use.
Steam cleaning
Use a steam cleaner to kill bed bugs and their eggs on surfaces such as luggage, upholstery, and carpets.
Chemical treatment
Use a bed bug spray or powder specifically designed for treating luggage. Be sure to follow the instructions on the product label.
Professional extermination
Consider hiring a professional exterminator who can use a combination of methods to eradicate bed bugs from your luggage and your home.
Seal and store your luggage in bed bug-proof encasements or bags when not in use.
If your luggage is heavily infested, it may be best to discard it and buy a new one.
Bed bugs can be a major problem when they find their way into your luggage. They can travel with you, spreading to different locations and infesting new areas. But, with the right methods and treatments

Final Thoughts
Bed bugs can latch onto your clothing or luggage while you are sleeping in hotel rooms. If you get bed bugs in your luggage, do not worry because you can remove them and clean your bag with the steps listed above.
It is important to remember that bed bugs are skilled hitchhikers and can easily cling to your clothing or luggage while you are staying in a hotel room. They can also be found in public transportation, movie theaters, libraries, and other public places. Therefore, it is essential always to be vigilant and take the necessary precautions to protect yourself and your belongings from these pests.
In summary, if you do get bed bugs in your luggage, it is essential to take immediate action to eliminate them. With the right methods and treatments, it is possible to get rid of bed bugs from your luggage and prevent them from spreading to other areas of your home. Remember, prevention is the key to avoiding a bed bug infestation, so be sure to take the necessary steps to protect your luggage and yourself before traveling.