How to Make Bed Bugs Come Out of Hiding

Bed bugs are pesky little insects that are notorious for their ability to hide in the tiniest of crevices, making them difficult to detect and eliminate. If you suspect that you have a bed bug infestation, it’s important to act right away.

But how can you get bed bugs to come out of hiding? In this article, we’ll explore some effective strategies to lure bed bugs out of their hiding places so that you can kill bed bugs and eradicate them once and for all.


Is It Possible to Lure Bed Bugs Out of Hiding?

It is possible to lure bed bugs out of hiding. There are several effective strategies for doing so, including using heat, traps, and bed bug-certified mattress encasements. Vacuuming regularly can also help remove visible bed bugs and their eggs from your home.

However, it’s important to note that these strategies may not work in all cases and that early detection is key when dealing with a bed bug infestation. If you suspect that you have a bed bug problem, it’s best to call in a professional exterminator who has experience dealing with these pests.


When Do Bed Bugs Come Out of Their Hiding Places?

Bed bugs are primarily nocturnal creatures, which means they are most active at night. They typically come out of their hiding places to feed on human blood and will usually do so while their host is sleeping. However, if they are hungry enough, bed bugs may also come out during the day to find a meal.

Take note that bed bugs can go for several weeks without feeding, so just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t present in your home. Additionally, bed bugs can hide in a variety of places, including mattresses, box springs, furniture, and even electrical outlets or behind wallpaper. If you suspect that you have a bed bug infestation, it’s best to take action right away to prevent the problem from getting worse.


Steps on How to Make Bed Bugs Come Out of Hiding

While it is possible to lure bed bugs out of hiding using various methods, it’s important to note that some of these methods may not be effective on their own and could even make the problem worse. Here are some steps you can take to try to lure bed bugs out of hiding:

Heat or Hair Dryer:

Bed bugs are sensitive to heat, so raising the temperature in your home or using a hair dryer on high heat draws bed bugs out of hiding. Body heat is also the number one reason why bed bugs are attracted to you, which results in getting bed bug bites.

Removing Bugs by Hand:

If you can see bed bugs, you can catch bed bugs and remove them by hand with a pair of gloves and a vacuum cleaner.

Using Bed Bug Traps:

There are several types of bed bug traps available, including sticky traps and CO2 plastic bed bug traps, which can attract and trap bed bugs.


Bed bugs are attracted to cardboard, so placing pieces of cardboard around your home may help draw the bed bugs out of hiding.


While pesticides can be effective at killing bed bugs, they should only be used by a professional exterminator who has experience dealing with these pests.

Bed Bug Lures:

Some products claim to lure bed bugs out of hiding using pheromones or other attractants. As it lures bed bugs out of hiding, they also trap bed bugs, preventing them to reach you.

Bed Bug Interceptors:

These devices are placed under the legs of beds and other furniture and trap any bed bugs trying to climb up onto the furniture.

Essential Oils:

Some essential oils may repel bed bugs or make them more active, although there is limited scientific evidence supporting this claim.

CO2 Fumigators:

These devices release carbon dioxide, which mimics the breath of a sleeping person and may attract bed bugs out of hiding.

It’s important to note that while these methods may help draw bed bugs out of hiding temporarily, they will not eliminate an infestation on their own. If you suspect that you have a bed bug problem, it’s best to call in a professional exterminator who has experience dealing with these pests.


Tips to Remember on How to Make Bed Bugs Come Out of Hiding

When trying to draw bed bugs out of hiding you can use several tips to increase your chances of success:

Be patient:

When attracting bed bugs out of their hiding spot. Bed bugs may take some time to come out, so be prepared to wait for a while.

Use multiple tools or methods:

Using a combination of several tools or methods, such as body heat and traps, may be more effective than using just one method.

Don’t disturb hiding places:

While it may be tempting to tear apart your home looking for bed bugs, disturbing their hiding spot could cause them to scatter and make the problem worse.

Stay vigilant:

Even if you don’t see any bed bugs right away, continue to monitor your home for signs of an infestation.

Seek professional help:

If you suspect that you have a bed bug problem, it’s best to call in a professional exterminator who has experience dealing with these pests.

Follow the instructions carefully:

If you decide to use pesticides or other chemical treatments, be sure to follow the instructions carefully and use the products only as directed.

Keep your home clean:

Regularly vacuuming and decluttering your home can help prevent bed bugs from finding new hiding places and making an infestation worse.

Take preventative measures:

Once you’ve eliminated a bed bug infestation, take steps to prevent future bed bug infestations by sealing cracks and crevices where bed bugs can hide and regularly inspecting second-hand furniture before bringing it into your home.

Take note that while these methods may help draw bed bugs out of hiding temporarily, they will not eliminate an infestation on their own. If you suspect that you have a bed bug problem, it’s best to call in a professional exterminator who has experience dealing with these pests.


What Scares Bed Bugs Away?

While there is no surefire way to scare bed bugs away, there are certain scents and substances that may repel them or make them more active. Here are a few examples:

Essential oils:

Some essential oils, such as lavender, peppermint, and tea tree oil, have been shown to repel bed bugs or make them more active.

Diatomaceous earth:

This powdery substance can be sprinkled around your home to create a barrier that bed bugs cannot cross.

Rubbing alcohol:

Spraying rubbing alcohol on surfaces where bed bugs are known to hide may help repel them.

Dryer sheets:

Some people claim that placing dryer sheets in areas where bed bugs are present can help repel them.


The scent of cinnamon has been shown to disrupt the pheromones that bed bugs use to communicate with each other, which may make them less likely to gather in one place.

Remember that while these substances may have some effect on bed bugs, they may not be enough to eliminate an infestation on their own. If you suspect that you have a bed bug problem, it’s best to call in a professional exterminator who has experience dealing with these pests.


Hiding Spots Where Bed Bugs Hide

Bed bugs are notorious for their ability to hide in small, hard-to-reach places. Here are some common spots where bed bugs like to hide:

  1. Mattresses and box springs: Bed bugs often hide in the seams, folds, and tufts of mattresses and box springs.
  2. Bed Frames. It is very common to find bed bugs hiding in bed frames as these are hiding spots that are nearest to you. The bed frame is the best spot bed bugs love to hide in to keep the nearest distance to their fresh blood meal.
  3. Furniture: Sofas, chairs, and other upholstered furniture can provide plenty of hiding places for bed bugs.
  4. Baseboards and moldings: Bed bugs may hide in cracks and crevices along baseboards and moldings.
  5. Electrical outlets: Bed bugs can even squeeze into electrical outlets or behind switch plates.
  6. Luggage and backpacks: Bed bugs can hitch a ride on luggage or backpacks, so it’s important to do a thorough inspection of these items carefully after traveling or staying in a hotel room.
  7. Clothing: While less common, bed bugs may also hide in clothing that has been left on the floor or not washed recently.
  8. Carpets and rugs: Bed bugs may also hide in the fibers of carpets and rugs, particularly around the edges.

Make sure to thoroughly inspect your home for bed bug activity if you suspect an infestation. This includes checking all of the above areas as well as any other nooks and crannies where they could be hiding.


Warnings When Focusing on How to Make Bed Bugs Come Out of Hiding

While it’s important to locate and eliminate bed bugs in your home, there are some precautions you should take when attempting to make them come out of hiding. Here are a few warnings to keep in mind:

  1. Don’t use harmful chemicals: Using strong pesticides or other chemicals can be dangerous for both you and your family, as well as any pets that may be living in the home. It’s best to work with a professional exterminator who can safely and effectively eliminate bed bugs.

  2. Be careful when moving furniture: When moving furniture or other objects where bed bugs may be hiding, be sure to do so carefully and avoid tipping anything over abruptly. This can cause bed bugs to scatter and spread throughout the room.

  3. Wear protective clothing: If you plan to inspect areas where bed bugs may be hiding, it’s a good idea to wear long sleeves, pants, gloves, and even a mask if possible. This will help prevent bites and reduce the risk of inhaling any potentially harmful dust or debris.

  4. Don’t rely solely on DIY methods: While many DIY methods claim to eliminate bed bugs, they may not always be effective. Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to get rid of, so it’s best to work with a professional who has experience dealing with these pests.

By taking these precautions, you can help ensure that you’re able to safely locate and eliminate bed bugs from your home without putting yourself or your family at risk.




Samuel Tisseron

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